Opportunities to Serve
Mission and Justice: David Householder
Family Promise (meals/housing for homeless families): Meals, overnight hosts, set-up, mission trip, SURE, Caritas, Resurrection House
Worship | Contact: Denise Landers
Greeters and ushers, communion preparation, hospitality center, sound/tech/computer, special event preparation
Music | Contact: Steven Phillips
Singers, handbells, instrumentalists
Education and Formation, Children and Youth and Adults | Contact: Rebecca Clissold or Carrie Mills
Academy of Christian Discipleship, Sunday school teachers, nursery, mid-week program helpers, vacation Bible school, youth group meal sponsors
Office Help | Contact: Rachel Martin
Filing, answering the phone at the reception desk, folding bulletins, collating the newsletter
Join a Committee or Ministry Team
Committees and ministry teams meet during the second week of the month. Meetings continue to be held by Zoom. Please visit the church calendar to see when meetings are scheduled.