We are delighted to have you attend our church. To be a Presbyterian is to join a way of life marked by the rhythm of grace and gratitude. God graciously loves and embraces us; we respond each day in gratitude.

We encourage each member to attend worship regularly, as Jesus Christ calls us into community as Hebrews 10:24-25 declares, “Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together.”

We encourage each member to support the ministries of the church with their contributions of time, talents and financial resources. II Corinthians 9:7 proclaims “God loves a cheerful giver,” and Christian service is taught in the Scriptures as a vital part of spiritual life.

Please contact the church office if you have any questions.

Inquirers Classes – Sept. 17, Dec. 10, March 17, 2024, & June 2, 2024

We extend an open invitation to those who are new to our congregation. Please be our guest on an upcoming Sunday for a special opportunity to get to know each other! Our program begins at 10:00 am with a open discussion with the pastoral staff. We will worship together at 11:00 am and then continue our discussion over lunch.

Please RSVP (including any dietary restrictions or childcare needs) to Rachel Martin, Operations Manager, by email or by calling the church office.