Our Purpose
- Nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study.
- Support the mission of the Church worldwide.
- Work for justice and peace.
- Build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s Kingdom.
Times We Meet
In our church, there are two Presbyterian Women’s Circles, Deborah, and Mary-Martha. Each circle meets independently to study the Bible and its stories using a different Presbyterian Women’s study guide each year.
Both circles also meet together monthly, typically the first Tuesday of the month, January through May and October through December. February, May, and November are gatherings that include a social time, a luncheon and guest speaker discussing a program in line with our purpose. January, March, April, and October are “lite” gatherings called PW Lite where we work on a service project and/or hear a guest speaker. We often meet in the summer for luncheons or fun activities. For a complete list of Presbyterian Woman activities and meeting times, obtain a copy of the PW directory from the church office.
In December, the Presbyterian Women often sponsor an Advent retreat. Circle membership is not required to attend Bible study or any PW activity. Everyone is welcome whether you attend one or all meetings.
Answering the Call to Serve / PW Mission Projects:
We acknowledge that as followers of the Christ we are called to serve rather than to be served. First Presbyterian women give of both their time and resources to help those who suffer from want or sickness, or have other needs.
Locally PW supports many community mission projects: including, Beth-El Mission, Caritas, Church Scholarship Fund Good Samaritan Fund, Children First at the Linnie Dalbeck Infant & Toddler Center, Resurrection House, S.U.R.E., All Faiths Food Bank, Family Promise, Mision Peniel, Selah Freedom, Thornwell Home.
Other programs receiving PW support: Columbia Friendship Circle Scholarship, General Assembly, Synod, and Presbytery Worldwide, Mission Haven, CEPAD in Nicaragua, Presbyterian Historical Foundation, and Peace River Presbytery Fund.
In addition, we participate in two offerings received by Presbyterian Women nationwide: the Birthday Offering and the Thank Offering. These are used for special mission programs over and above those usually supported by our national organization. Joining women all over the world, we also give our Least Coin to help others with special needs.
Learn more about Presbyterian Women’s national program at www.presbyterianwomen.org
You are invited to active membership in Presbyterian Women. Please call the church office at (941) 955-8119 for meeting times and locations.